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West Covina's State Auditor Ranking

Each year, the State Auditor evaluates the finances of the more than 450 California cities so that “Californians can hold can hold their city officials accountable.” 


As part of that process, and as authorized by California Government Code Section 8546.10, the State Auditor establishes “a high-risk local government agency audit program (local high-risk program) to identify local government agencies that are at high risk for the potential of waste, fraud, abuse, or mismanagement, or that have major challenges associated with their economy, efficiency, or effectiveness.”


West Covina has maintained a remarkably stable "fiscal health" score since the state auditor began publishing fiscal health measurements in 2016-17.  Until recently and with the exception of Fiscal Year 2017-18, the fiscal health points score remained in the “High Risk” category. 

Paid for by West Covina Neighbors

ID# 1422296

© West Covina Neighbors (formerly West Covina Neighbors Stopping the Tax Grab)

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