We are West Covina Neighbors!
We are West Covina residents. We live here. Many of us work and play here.
We pay the taxes for the services the city provides--or does not provide.
We focus on West Covina’s leadership and financial management because leadership and management directly impact the services we receive, the taxes we pay, and, most importantly, our safety and well-being.
Our major concern is how the City Council responds to the State Auditor’s recommendations intended to improve West Covina's fiscal health and the City Council’s decisions that can and do impact our city's financial stability—and in turn, resident quality of life.
Today, we observe our city council routinely making major financial commitments without a financial analysis recommended by the State Auditor in 2020. We residents are concerned
Your Neighbor's Concerns
The Brown Act
Public vs. Private City Council Discussions
The Mayoral Appointment Process
City Council Compensation
Are council members volunteers or employees?
Council's Outrageous 165% "Salary" Increase: A Slight of Hand
City Council "Cherry-Picks" Cities to Justify a 165% "Salary" Increase
Redefining the City Council Stipend to Increase Compensation: More Sleight of Hand
Reckless City Council Decisions Cost City Millions
Why are West Covina's Legal Expenses Skyrocketting?
Yard for Sale. Developers Wanted.
State Audit
Resident Petition & State Auditor’s Actions
Chart: City of West Covina Rankings 2016 to 2021
West Covina Health Department
City Council Proposal & Actions
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